Criminal Defence Services
Are you facing charges or under criminal investigation?
Being investigated or charged by the police for a criminal offence can be a frightening prospect. Regardless of your situation, you should seek proper legal support as soon as possible.
The team of criminal defence solicitors at Woollcombe Yonge have many years of experience and have successfully represented many defendants. You can rest assured that an experienced criminal lawyer will always handle your case and be on hand to offer professional and effective legal advice at every turn.
We offer a full range of criminal law services for individuals and businesses including:
- Magistrates court representation
- Crown court – advocacy and litigation
- Police station and magistrates court duty solicitor scheme
- Appeals in the crown court/court of appeal
- Work and pensions investigations and proceedings – legal aid and privately funded
- Applications and Breach of Court Orders and Injunctions
Legal Aid
If you are to be interviewed at the police station, whether following arrest or attending as a volunteer, you are entitled to FREE legal advice and representation.
If you are charged or summonsed to the magistrates court for an offence you may be eligible for legal aid. We can make an application to the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) on your behalf.